The Cincinnatus Foundation is a nonprofit set up to support the work of The Cincinnatus Association.
The mission of the Cincinnatus Foundation is to engage our members in meaningful work that significantly improves the quality of life for all citizens of our region, and that builds upon the Cincinnatus tradition of leadership in advocating for changes that benefit our entire community through the use of the intellectual capital of our members.
Cincinnatus will accept proposals from organizations capable of leveraging significant changes in our region with support from teams of our volunteer members. We will not accept proposals intended to match individuals or groups of volunteers to direct service projects. Proposals to create an alliance with Cincinnatus will be evaluated according to potential impact on the region and the possibility for successful conclusion within two years.
Guidelines and Eligibility
Cincinnatus will accept proposals from non-profit and community service organizations that serve the Greater Cincinnati area. Generally, the Cincinnatus contribution will be in the form of volunteer participation and lending of expertise by its members. Projects will be assisted by Cincinnatus members for a time period generally not to exceed two years. Should additional time be needed, the organization may reapply.
The project must be feasible to be completed in the proposed time period. There must be a clearly documented community need or opportunity. The applicant must specify the expertise and time contribution that is being requested.
The organization needs to be fiscally sound and the proposed project needs to be both financially possible and realistically sustainable.
Areas for consideration can include Arts and Culture, Community and Economic Development, Education, Environment, Health, Government, and Inclusion. Upon completion of the project, or at the end of the assistance period, the organization must submit an evaluation report to Cincinnatus to conclude the assistance.
Application Procedure
The applicant must submit a brief, but detailed description of the project, the community need or opportunity to be addressed, the length of time assistance will be needed from Cincinnatus, the estimated number of members needed, skill sets needed, and the end results sought.
Decision-making Process
A Foundation Review Committee, comprised of five members, will evaluate each application. Eligible projects will be presented to the Cincinnatus membership. Once appropriate teams of Cincinnatus members have been identified, the names, skill sets, and contact information will be provided to the applicant. Once a team is in operation, a primary spokesperson should be identified who will provide periodic progress reports to the Executive Committee and the general membership.