

2018-2019 Cincinnatus Association Annual Report

2017-2018 Cincinnatus Association Annual Report


It would not be possible to recite all of the many accomplishments credited to the Cincinnatus Association, whether acting as an organization or through the members who were inspired by an Association program and then responded to an issue in their individual capacity. The following accomplishments, however, provide a snapshot, beginning with the Association’s founding in 1920:


  • Almost single-handedly responsible in the 1920s for ridding the Queen City of the blight of “bossism” and for converting what was once the “worst governed city in America” into one of the best governed cities.
  • Along with the Citizens’ School Committee, instrumental (also in the 1920s) in developing one of the most effective and best-administered city school systems in the United States. In the 1950s and again in the 1970s, Cincinnatus played a very active role in revitalizing the Citizens’ School Committee.
  • Played a substantial role in the 1940s in promoting the Cincinnati Master Plan for the development of the Greater Cincinnati metropolitan area.
  • Played a strong role in the erecting of the Mill Creek barrier dam to prevent a recurrence of a flood of the magnitude of that of 1937. 


  • Played a conspicuous role in the development of the parkway system in Cincinnati, and most particularly of Columbia Parkway.
  • Inspired a program to stop further pollution of the Ohio River and its tributaries and to restore these waterways to their pristine state.
  • Spearheaded the revitalization of the Museum of Natural History. This project was a direct result of a panel’s investigation and continued interest.
  • Motivated the plan in the late 1950s to redevelop the central riverfront, to convert an eyesore into a functional beauty spot. This project is a vital part of Cincinnatus’ interest in the development of Sawyer Point Park.
  • Key in supporting full-time salaries for Cincinnati City Council members.
  • Members were active in the planning for the Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal and the tax levy to support it.


  • Beginning in 1986, presents annual P-12 education awards to outstanding administrators, teachers and volunteers in our region. The awards are now collaboration with the University of Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky University, Xavier University, and the College of Mount Saint Joseph
  • Active in the City of Cincinnati’s Bicentennial Celebration in 1988, including providing funding for the Cincinnatus Statue at Sawyer Park.
  • Active in efforts since the early 1990s to preserve the best aspects of the council-manager form of government, while encouraging strong leadership in the mayor’s office and direct citizen election of the mayor.
  • Collaborated with Leadership Cincinnati to generate a plan for CPS to develop its Woodward Career Technical High School in 2001.
  • Created the “Greater Cincinnati Commitment” in 2002, encouraging local residents to end the last vestiges of racism in our community, and it has promoted the Commitment via the Greater Cincinnati Commitment Alliance since 2009.
  • Members played leadership roles in the Vision 2015 and Agenda 360 community visioning processes in the mid-2000s.
  • Instrumental in bringing the first “New Tech” high school to CPS’ Aiken High
  • Since 2006, been a member of the “debate coalition” sponsoring televised debates in significant local elections. 
  • Since 2007, directed a Leader to Leader mentoring program which matches business leaders with Principals in Cincinnati Public Schools.
  • In 2008, helped the city to fund repairs to the Cincinnatus statue in the Riverfront Park.
  • In 2009, initiated City mayoral candidate televised debates.
  • Also in 2009, worked with Leadership Cincinnati and Hi-AIMS program to create learning environments using 21st Century teaching and learning techniques.
  • In 2011, created the Cincinnatus Community Fund, a 501(c)(3) organization o enhance the charitable activities of Cincinnatus. (Cincinnatus Association is a 501(c)(4) organization.)
  • Also in 2011, produced a study of opportunities for the City of Cincinnati to expand its downtown on-street parking and enhance its parking revenues.