The Cincinnatus Association is an organization with a diverse membership that provides a non-partisan and independent perspective on issues affecting the Greater Cincinnati region. Members of Cincinnatus panels and committees work together to learn and reach conclusions about key issues and to take action to promote the organization’s positions. Primary areas of focus are government, education, community inclusion, arts and culture, and regional cooperation.


How we intend to improve our organization

Opportunity One

  1. Establish a formal plan to ensure inclusion and broad diversity as well as increased participation and commitment in our general membership, panel membership, and internal project work.
  2. Build capacity through external collaborations and partnerships.

Opportunity Two

Educate first, then take a stand on an issue and, finally, lead the community toward support of that position (learn, decide, act).

  1. Develop specific goals, desired outcomes, and deliverable dates for the entire work plan.
  2. Document Cincinnatus positions on topics and share with leaders in the region.

Opportunity Three

Prioritize key issues and focus on fewer of them in greater depth.

  1. Incorporate this operating principle into the development of the annual work plan.
  2. Develop formal relationships with Agenda 360 and Vision 2015 to link Cincinnatus members and  appropriate panels with the work teams of the two regional visioning organizations.How we intend to improve our community

Initiative One

Be a catalyst for improving regional cooperation.

  1. Formalize collaboration on regional cooperation with Agenda 360 and Vision 2015.
  2. Convene a periodic Community Summit in partnership with government officials and community building organizations.
  3. Encourage public officials to engage in regional cooperation.
  4. Place Government Cooperation and Efficiency Project (GCEP)/Newfarmer report on Government Panel section of Web Page; analyze report for specific items we can push for implementation.  
  5. Implement a process for the Government Panel to decide on its focus and action items regarding regional cooperation.
  6. Develop public awareness around regional cooperation.
  7. Have members of the Panel appointed to key committees (e.g., GCEP) and task forces created in the region that deal with specific regional or local cooperation related issues.

Initiative Two

Be a catalyst for achieving effective governance throughout our region.

  1. Survey Panel and Cincinnatus members regarding advocacy issues and ideas.
  2. Expand circulation of information about collaborative activities.
  3. Become more visible in the region for promoting local effective government.
  4. Explore the possibility of securing an intern or co-op student to assist in panel activities.
  5. Support current GCEP initiatives.

Initiative Three

Be a catalyst for improving public education in our region.

  1. Continue to work with Strive, Agenda 360, Vision 2015 and other regional programs to identify specific issues that Cincinnatus could help drive.
  2. Continue our education awards. 
  3. Expand the Principal Mentoring Program.  
  4. Define “21st Century Education” and engage schools and other organizations in implementation.
  5. Research and convene dialogue about the role of unions on teacher quality within public education.

Initiative Four

Be a catalyst for achieving inclusion throughout our region.

  1. Collaborate with HOME and the CHRC to promote public policies and industry practices that support stable, integrated communities in Hamilton County.  
  2. Continue to promote the Greater Cincinnati Commitment (GCC) within the GCC Alliance as the leading initiative for achieving inclusion within the region. 
  3. Expand the outreach of the GCC to high school and colleges students.  
  4. Continue to work with Agenda 360 and expand this cooperation to Vision 2015. 
  5. Research evidence-based juvenile justice practices that offer the prospect for reapplication in our region.

Initiative Five

Be a catalyst for sustaining arts and culture in our region.

  1. Promote the key finding that a thriving arts sector creates “ripple effects” of benefits throughout the community, including a vibrant economy and a more connected population.  
  2. Work to position arts and culture as a public good in which all in the region have a stake. 
  3. Educated and nurture key elected officials at the state and local level to be proponents for the arts.
  4. Assist in the deployment of the Fine Arts Fund “Arts Ripple Effect” findings.


01/15/09 Submitted by the Strategic Planning Committee

01/19/10 Approved by the Executive Committee

04/13/10 Approved by The Cincinnatus Association